Change Promotions .Biz 3.0 > Design > Dream Big Activities – Logo Design

Logo Design

Project Details

Client name:
Dream Big Activities
May 13, 2012
May 18, 2012

There are many young entrepreneurs who have creative ideas to formulate a business. We are in full support of these endeavors because we have a similar ambition. Dream BIG Activities had approached us with a business concept they had in mind although did not know which steps to take to make it happen.

We have enrolled them in our MAP (Marketing Assistance Program) which is a program where we provide guidance every step of the way for new entrepreneurs. To start of we created a logo for dream big as well as the launch of their new t-shirt clothing line. Dream BIG is off to a great start and we will continue to assist them with much success.

  • Marketing Assistance Program
  • Custom Clothing
  • Great Quality
  • Business Advice and Support

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