
3 Common Elements

  • Posted by: cpadmin

As a marketing company, we at Change Promotions Inc. are privileged to interact with a vast array of business owners- throughout the GTA- on a daily basis. Following the culmination of various weeks of interactions with business owners, our company reps sat together this past week; reflected upon and discussed a few prevalent trends. It became undeniably apparent that there were 3 common elements that are consistent within the businesses that are currently experiencing growth and success in their respective industries.

1)Positive Mindset Businesses that are currently experiencing growth and success have owners that choose to be optimistic. They prefer to see the proverbial glass as half full rather than half empty. Regardless of the challenges that they face in their business endeavours, we have noticed that these owners remain positive. This positive attitude is evident to every person that these business owners interact with and as a result both customers and employees are “infected” by this optimism resulting in simultaneous business growth. In contrast, there are many business owners that choose to allow the outside circumstances to affect their moods and they become pessimistic. This creates an unwelcoming and negative aura around them which also infects their employees and potential customers. This results in simultaneous declines in business.

2) Innovative Whether a business is in its initial launching period or has been in operation for decades, innovation (continuous improvement of products/services to coincide with the dynamics of society) is a fundamental component to continual and exponential success. In this current arena of commerce, business owners who have pursued an interest in improving their internet presence are moving in the correct direction. They have recognized the potential that the phenomenon of social media can provide from a marketing perspective. Having a website and using social networking websites such as twitter and facebook, allows global consumers to have access knowledge about your products/services; this allows these businesses to market their services in a cost effective manner to a wider market of consumers. If a company has been operating for over 10 years and is still using the same marketing strategies as they were ten years ago, it is evident that they need to update or they will become extinct like dinosaurs!!

3) Proactive As a successful business owner you must always be preparing to make your next move. Each day is a new day, and as the world grows we must grow with it. Proactive business owners are constantly thinking about what they must do to grow and achieve greater success as a business; not only do they think about it, but they translate their thoughts into actions. As these thoughts are put into actions, growth and success are the inevitable results. Successful business owners must continually ask themselves “what do I need to do to grow my business?” and when those answers come to mind, jot those notes down. Hopefully we can be of assistance!!

Your marketing assistant,

Change Promotions Inc. 289-217-8411 changeprobiz@gmail.com www.changepromotions.biz 88 Delabo Dr. Toronto, Ontario

Check out some jobs from last 2 weeks! CP Exclusives including Shining Starz Website www.shiningstarz.ca
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Delegation is an essential component to achieving personal and corporate success. Delegate is defined as “to send or appoint (a person) as deputy or representative.” In other words, the delegation of tasks by business owners consists of the assignment of various tasks to competent and capable individuals; thus enabling the respective business owners to focus on organization direction and growth . This action allows you as the business owner to specialize in your core competencies while your appointed delegates specialize in their respective strengths; thus, enabling your organization to function more proficiently and effectively on your journey to achieving exponential success. As your marketing assistant, Change Promotions Inc thrives as your marketing delegate and we make it our greatest honor and privilege to facilitate your marketing needs.

Author: cpadmin

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